Sunday, March 20, 2011

My routine

I was asked if I cheat on the program and a bit about my routine. I do cheat but the way I'm doing the program is to be strict with it from Monday to Friday and by the time my weigh in is on the Saturday morning, I treat this day as my no TF day. I will eat what I want but only in small quantities. I still won't eat eat breads, pasta, rice etc but if I feel like a slice of pizza, I will eat it without any guilt or even have a night out with a few drinks.

One thing I do keep up everyday is the 2 litres of water, I feel water is one of the most important elements of the program that really does help you lose weight.

My typical day on the program, Monday to Friday:

8am - shake
10am - 2 medium sized plums
12pm - shake and sometimes a bowl of garden salad
2pm - apple
5pm - protein and vegetables
I snack throughout the day on 15 almonds and drink 2 litres of water

My treats are the skinny cow icecream (hard to have just one of those!) and you can have two a week. By Saturday, I get weighed in then go and get a skinny cappucino, go home and have bacon and eggs for breakfast. Lunch might be a salad but I'm usually full from breakfast and then whatever the family feels like for dinner I might have a small amount of it. By Sunday, I may have a shake for breakfast and usually by the evening I'm hopping on the treadmill for a run. I also am doing cardio each early evening on the weekdays which will also help with the weightloss and on those nights you can have extra protein and another piece of fruit.

1 comment:

Lise said...

Thanks for sharing Terri. This is very interesting