Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Over the mid week hump

I've done Zumba two nights in a row now and can really feel it! My calf is aching and I'm just feeling buggered. With Zumba, a lot of time I'm not up for it, especially after a long day at work but I do remember that great feeling I get once I've completed it.

The last few days I've been experiencing headaches. They are not painful, just a slight ache mostly in the afternoons. Maybe my body is still adjusting to the diet, I will ask my consultant next time I got back on Saturday for my weigh in.  It's all still going good, still sticking to it... because of the extra cardio exercises I'm doing everyday, I've been eating extra protein, not a huge lot. Sometimes its just some extra ham after the workout or maybe just a boiled egg. My water consumption has jumped up heaps because of it too.

One thing I had been enjoying was almonds. I forgot just how good they tasted as I haven't had them since I was little. We can have 30grams of almonds (which turns out to be 10-15) each day because of the good fats it contains. I did make the mistake of buying roasted almonds but after a couple of days I checked the website and it was mean't to be raw, oops! You can also have brazil nuts, but I've never tried them.

I need to get the cookbook out again to work out some more yummy dinners. Instead I've been stuck searching through other cookbooks trying to get a menu plan together for my son's 7th birthday party in two weeks. Had lot of fun designing his invitation with him being a huge Star Wars fan. I will post a copy up tomorrow.

Only 9.14pm and already thinking of sleeping. So on that note, good night :)

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